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Press Releases

About PreZero

The PreZero Group is an international environmental services provider with around 30,000 employees at over 430 locations in Europe and North America. With waste disposal and sorting, processing and recycling, the group of companies bundles all competencies along the value chain under one roof. PreZero thus sees itself as an innovation driver in the industry with the aim of creating a world in which resources are no longer wasted thanks to closed cycles. Zero waste, 100 percent recyclable material. 

PreZero is part of the Schwarz Group, one of the leading food retail companies in Germany and Europe. PreZero is headquartered in Neckarsulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

The PreZero Group is part of REset Plastic, the Schwarz Group's plastics strategy. The holistic approach ranges from prevention, design, recycling and disposal, to innovation and education. In doing so, the Schwarz Group has all stages of the recyclable materials cycle in its own hands: from production and trade to disposal and recycling.

Press releases